YOYOGI MORI は、サークルの方向性に統一感をもたせつつ、キャラクターのヴィジュアルの方向性、新作の有無、規約について、各ブランドを担当するデザイナーの気持ちを尊重しています。


YOYOGI MORI respects the feelings of the designers representing each brand regarding the visual direction of the characters, the availability of new works, and the conventions while maintaining a sense of unity in the direction of the circle.

Even within the range of conventions, there are differences between each brand. After referring to the conventions and guidelines, please refer to the following if you would like to step into a better expression, or if you would like to get a detailed brand orientation.

「ケモノファブリック」 imiut, KRONOS, Undone Kittens, JUMPY 等



Please pay particular attention to the scope of use and NSFW expressions related to the character's image.

「Forget-me-not」 Notia 等

🚫NG:政治利用、ゴア・虐待的表現に特にお気をつけください。 👌OK:人体美に基づく肌の露出度には寛容です。(卑猥はNG)

Please be particular about political use and gore/abusive expressions.

It is tolerant of the degree of skin exposure based on the beauty of the human body, which is not NSFW.

「ALDMIX」 kei 等


It is generally tolerant of any use as long as you comply with the terms and conditions.

「FUYUMIDORI」 白鳥 -Shiratori-, 黒蛇 -Kurohebi- 等

🚫NG:品位に関わる表現に特にお気をつけください。 👌OK:耽美表現には概ね寛容です。

Please be particularly careful with expressions related to dignity.

It is generally tolerant of aesthetic expression.

「YUE」霞花 等